
What Does It Mean To Register





a. A formal or official recording of items, names, or actions.

b. A book for such entries.

c. An entry in such a record.

2. The act of registering.

3. A device that automatically records a quantity or number.

4. Computers A office of the cardinal processing unit of measurement used equally a storage location.

5. An adjustable, grill-like device through which heated or cooled air is released into a room.

six. A country of proper alignment: to exist in annals.

vii. Press

a. Exact alignment of the lines and margins on the contrary sides of a leaf.

b. Proper positioning of colors in color printing.

8. Music

a. The range of an musical instrument or a vocalisation.

b. A part of such a range.

c. A group of matched organ pipes; a stop.

9. A multifariousness or level of linguistic communication used in a specific social setting: speaking in an informal register; writing in a scientific register.

v. reg·is·tered, reg·is·ter·ing, reg·is·ters

v. tr.


a. To enter in an official register.

b. To enroll officially or formally, especially in society to vote or attend classes.


a. To set down in writing: registered the events of the day in his diary.

b. To express or make known: registered his dissatisfaction with the chef.


a. To bespeak (data). Used of an instrument or calibration.

b. To be indicated every bit: The earthquake registered 6.viii on the Richter scale.

iv. To requite outward signs of; express: Her face up registered surprise.

v. To accomplish or reach: registered a new high in sales.

six. To crusade (mail) to be officially recorded and particularly handled by payment of a fee.

7. To conform so as to be properly aligned.

5. intr.

1. To place or cause placement of one's name in a register.

2. To have i'due south name officially placed on a list of eligible voters.

three. To enroll every bit a student.

4. To accept a listing of gifts for preferred wedding presents, as at a store. Used of a couple.

5. To be indicated on an musical instrument or a scale.

6. To be shown or expressed, as on the face: The instructor's reprimand did not register on the students' faces.

7. To make an impression; exist recorded in the mind: The alarm failed to register.

8. To be in proper alignment.

[Center English registre, from Old French, from Medieval Latin registrum, alteration of Late Latin regesta, from Latin, neuter pl. by participle of regerere, to record : re-, re- + gerere, to conduct.]

reg′is·ter·er n.

reg′is·tra·ble (-ĭ-strə-bəl) adj.

American Heritage® Lexicon of the English Language, 5th Edition. Copyright © 2016 by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.




1. an official or formal listing recording names, events, or transactions

2. the book in which such a listing is written

3. an entry in such a listing

4. (Mechanical Technology) a recording device that accumulates data, totals sums of money, etc: a cash register.

five. (Mechanical Engineering) a movable plate that controls the period of air into a furnace, chimney, room, etc

half dozen. (Computer Science) computing i of a prepare of word-sized locations in the central processing unit in which items of information are placed temporarily earlier they are operated on by program instructions

seven. (Music, other) music

a. the timbre characteristic of a sure manner of voice production. Run into head phonation, chest vox

b. any of the stops on an organ as classified in respect of its tonal quality: the flute register.

eight. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) printing

a. the right alignment of the separate plates in color printing

b. the exact correspondence of lines of blazon, columns, etc, on the two sides of a printed sheet of newspaper

9. (Linguistics) a class of a language associated with a item social situation or bailiwick affair, such equally obscene slang, legal language, or journalese

x. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) the act or an instance of registering

eleven. (Mechanical Engineering) the act or an example of registering

12. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) the act or an instance of registering

13. (Communications & Information) the act or an instance of registering


14. (tr) to enter or cause someone to enter (an event, person'southward name, ownership, etc) on a register; formally record

fifteen. to show or be shown on a scale or other measuring instrument: the current didn't register on the meter.

16. to bear witness or be shown in a person's face, bearing, etc: his face up registered surprise.

17. (intr) to have an effect; make an impression: the news of her uncle'south decease simply did not register.

18. (Communications & Information) to send (a letter, package, etc) by registered post

19. (Printing, Lithography & Bookbinding) (tr) press to adjust (a printing printing, forme, etc) to ensure that the printed matter is in register

20. (Mechanical Engineering) (often foll by: with) (of a mechanical office) to align (with another part)

21. (Firearms, Gunnery, Ordnance & Artillery) armed services to bring (a gun) to bear on its target past adjustment according to the accuracy of observed unmarried rounds

[C14: from Medieval Latin registrum, from Latin regerere to transcribe, from re- + gerere to acquit]

ˈregisterer n

Collins English language Lexicon – Complete and Unabridged, 12th Edition 2014 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1994, 1998, 2000, 2003, 2006, 2007, 2009, 2011, 2014


(ˈrɛdʒ ə stər)


1. a book in which records of events, names, etc., are kept.

2. a list or tape of such events, names, etc.

3. an entry in such a tape or list.

four. an official certificate issued to a merchant ship as bear witness of its nationality.

v. registration or registry.

six. a mechanical device by which certain data are automatically recorded.


a. the compass or range of a vocalization or an musical instrument.

b. a part of this range produced in the same way and having the same quality.

ix. a device for controlling the flow of warmed air or the like through an opening.

x. proper relationship between two airplane surfaces in photography, every bit corresponding plates in photoengraving.

11. a precise aligning or correspondence, every bit of lines or columns, esp. on the ii sides of a printed leaf.

12. a multifariousness of language typically used in a specific type of chatty setting: an informal register.

thirteen. a high-speed storage location in a computer's CPU, used to store a related string of bits, every bit a word or phrase.


fourteen. to enter or cause to be entered in a register.

15. to crusade (mail) to exist recorded upon delivery to a mail role for safeguarding confronting loss, damage, etc., during manual.

16. to enroll (a student, voter, etc.).

17. to point by a record or scale, as instruments practise.

18. to arrange (fire) on a known signal.

xix. to prove (surprise, joy, anger, etc.), as by facial expression or by actions.

xx. to document (a merchant ship engaged in foreign trade).


21. to enter i'south name or cause it to be entered in a register; enroll.

22. to show: A smile registered on her confront.

23. to accept some effect; make some impression.

[1350–1400; registre < Middle French, Sometime French < Medieval Latin registrum alter. of Belatedly Latin regesta catalog, list, n. use of neuter pl. of Latin regestus, past participle of regerere to bear back, pile up, collect =re- re- + gerere to behave, vesture]

reg′is•tra•ble, reg′is•ter•a•ble, adj.

Random House Kernerman Webster's College Dictionary, © 2010 One thousand Dictionaries Ltd. Copyright 2005, 1997, 1991 by Random House, Inc. All rights reserved.


In cartography, the correct position of one component of a blended map epitome in relation to the other components, at each stage of production.

Dictionary of War machine and Associated Terms. US Department of Defense 2005.


 a listing or catalogue—Wilkes.

Examples: register of my belief, 1817; of fate, 1726.

Lexicon of Commonage Nouns and Group Terms. Copyright 2008 The Gale Grouping, Inc. All rights reserved.


Past participle: registered
Gerund: registering
I annals
y'all annals
he/she/it registers
we register
you register
they register
I registered
y'all registered
he/she/it registered
nosotros registered
you registered
they registered
Present Continuous
I am registering
you are registering
he/she/it is registering
we are registering
yous are registering
they are registering
Present Perfect
I have registered
you accept registered
he/she/it has registered
we have registered
you have registered
they accept registered
Past Continuous
I was registering
you were registering
he/she/information technology was registering
we were registering
yous were registering
they were registering
Past Perfect
I had registered
yous had registered
he/she/it had registered
we had registered
you had registered
they had registered
I will register
you lot will annals
he/she/information technology will register
we will register
yous volition register
they volition register
Time to come Perfect
I volition take registered
you will take registered
he/she/it will have registered
we will have registered
you will have registered
they will accept registered
Future Continuous
I will exist registering
y'all will be registering
he/she/information technology will exist registering
we volition exist registering
you lot will be registering
they will be registering
Present Perfect Continuous
I have been registering
you have been registering
he/she/it has been registering
nosotros have been registering
you accept been registering
they accept been registering
Future Perfect Continuous
I will have been registering
you lot will accept been registering
he/she/it will accept been registering
we will have been registering
you volition take been registering
they will have been registering
Past Perfect Continuous
I had been registering
you had been registering
he/she/it had been registering
nosotros had been registering
you had been registering
they had been registering
I would register
you would register
he/she/information technology would register
we would annals
y'all would annals
they would register
By Provisional
I would accept registered
you would have registered
he/she/it would have registered
we would have registered
you lot would have registered
they would have registered

Collins English language Verb Tables © HarperCollins Publishers 2011

Thesaurus Antonyms Related Words Synonyms Legend:

Noun 1. register - an official written record of names or events or transactions annals - an official written tape of names or events or transactions


cadaster, cadastre - a public register showing the details of ownership and value of land; fabricated for the purpose of revenue enhancement

written business relationship, written record - a written document preserving knowledge of facts or events

cheque register - a register of checks issued (normally in numeric order)

studbook - official record of the pedigree of purebred animals especially horses

rent-roll - a register of rents; includes the names of tenants and the amount of rent they pay

two. register - (music) the timbre that is characteristic of a certain range and manner of production of the human voice or of unlike pipe organ stops or of different musical instruments

timbre, tone, quality, timber - (music) the distinctive holding of a complex audio (a voice or noise or musical sound); "the timbre of her soprano was rich and lovely"; "the muffled tones of the broken bell summoned them to run across"

head register, head tone, head voice - the college ranges of the voice in speaking or singing; the vibrations of sung notes are felt in the head

chest register, breast tone, chest phonation - the lower ranges of the voice in speaking or singing

music - an artistic grade of auditory communication incorporating instrumental or vocal tones in a structured and continuous manner

iii. register - a book in which names and transactions are listed

record - a document that can serve as legal evidence of a transaction; "they could find no record of the buy"

bookkeeping system, method of accounting, accounting - a bookkeeper's chronological list of related debits and credits of a business; forms role of a ledger of accounts

inventory - (bookkeeping) the value of a firm's current assets including raw materials and work in progress and finished appurtenances

payroll, paysheet - a list of employees and their salaries; "the company had a long payroll"

4. register - (information science) retention device that is the part of computer memory that has a specific accost and that is used to agree data of a specific kind

accumulator register, accumulator - (computer science) a register that has a congenital-in adder that adds an input number to the contents of the register

counter - (computer science) a register whose contents become through a regular series of states (usually states indicating consecutive integers)

alphabetize annals - (reckoner scientific discipline) a annals used to determine the address of an operand

reckoner memory, computer storage, retentivity lath, store, retentivity, storage - an electronic memory device; "a retention and the CPU class the central role of a calculator to which peripherals are attached"

retention device, storage device - a device that preserves data for retrieval

shift register - (information science) register in which all bits can be shifted 1 or more than positions to the left or to the right

computer science, computing - the branch of engineering science that studies (with the help of computers) computable processes and structures

5. register - an air passage (usually in the flooring or a wall of a room) for albeit or excluding heated air from the room

air duct, air passage, airway - a duct that provides ventilation (every bit in mines)

6. register - a regulator (as a sliding plate) for regulating the period of air into a furnace or other heating device

furnace - an enclosed chamber in which oestrus is produced to heat buildings, destroy refuse, smelt or refine ores, etc.

regulator - whatever of various controls or devices for regulating or controlling fluid catamenia, pressure, temperature, etc.

7. register - a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions register - a cashbox with an adding machine to register transactions; used in shops to add together up the bill

cash register

adding motorcar, totaliser, totalizer - a calculator that performs simple arithmetics functions

cashbox, coin box, till - a strongbox for holding cash

Verb 1. register - record in writing; enter into a volume of names or events or transactions

record, enter, put down - brand a record of; prepare downward in permanent class

file, annals - tape in a public office or in a court of law; "file for divorce"; "file a complaint"

patent - grant rights to; grant a patent for

enrol, enroll, recruit, inscribe, enter - register formally equally a participant or member; "The political party recruited many new members"

listing - include in a list; "Am I listed in your register?"

book - register in a hotel booker

ii. register - record in a public office or in a court of law; "file for divorce"; "file a complaint"


law, jurisprudence - the collection of rules imposed by say-so; "civilization presupposes respect for the constabulary"; "the groovy problem for jurisprudence to allow freedom while enforcing lodge"

trademark - register the trademark of; "The company trademarked their new gadget"

register - record in writing; enter into a book of names or events or transactions

3. register - enroll to vote; "register for an election"

enrol, enroll, recruit, inscribe, enter - annals formally equally a participant or member; "The party recruited many new members"

4. register - be aware of; "Did you register any modify when I pressed the button?"


register - enter into someone'southward consciousness; "Did this event register in your parents' minds?"

register - show in one'southward face; "Her surprise did non register"

5. register - indicate a certain reading; of gauges and instruments; "The thermometer showed 13 degrees below nada"; "The gauge read `empty'"

record, read, show

say - indicate; "The clock says noon"

show - give bear witness of, as of records; "The diary shows his distress that evening"

strike - indicate (a certain time) by striking; "The clock struck midnight"; "Just when I entered, the clock struck"

indicate - to state or limited briefly; "indicated his wishes in a letter of the alphabet"

vi. register - have ane's name listed every bit a candidate for several parties


campaign, run - run, stand, or compete for an office or a position; "Who's running for treasurer this year?"

slate - enter on a list or slate for an election; "He was slated for borough president"

seven. register - testify in one's confront; "Her surprise did not register"

record, annals - be enlightened of; "Did you register whatsoever change when I pressed the button?"

show up, evidence - be or become visible or noticeable; "His good upbringing really shows"; "The dirty side will show"

viii. register - dispense the registers of an organ

music - musical action (singing or whistling etc.); "his music was his central interest"

play - perform music on (a musical musical instrument); "He plays the flute"; "Tin you play on this old recorder?"

9. register - send by registered mail; "I'd like to register this letter"

post, send, post - crusade to be directed or transmitted to another place; "transport me your latest results"; "I'll postal service you the paper when it'south written"

10. register - enter into someone'due south consciousness; "Did this event annals in your parents' minds?"

affect - act physically on; have an consequence upon; "the medicine affects my heart rate"

record, register - be aware of; "Did you lot register whatsoever change when I pressed the button?"

Based on WordNet iii.0, Farlex clipart collection. © 2003-2012 Princeton University, Farlex Inc.



1. list, record, roll, file, schedule, diary, catalogue, log, athenaeum, chronicle, memorandum, roster, ledger, register registers of births, deaths and marriages

Collins Thesaurus of the English Linguistic communication – Complete and Entire 2nd Edition. 2002 © HarperCollins Publishers 1995, 2002



A serial, equally of names or words, printed or written down:


1. To place on a list or in a record:

2. To give a precise indication of, as on a register or scale:

iii. To come as a realization:

The American Heritage® Roget'south Thesaurus. Copyright © 2013, 2014 past Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Visitor. Published by Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Publishing Company. All rights reserved.


rejstřík seznam soutisk ukazovat zapisovač

registrere vise =-fortegnelse fortegnelse indskrive sig

rekisteri rekisteröidä rekisteröinti ääniala ilmaista

registar upisati se

ajánlva advert fel anyakönyv bejegyez

láta skrá, setja í ábyrgî skrá skrá sig sÿna

登録する 登録簿

등록 등록하다

civilinės metrikacijos biuras civilinių aktų registratorius registracijos knyga registracijos numeris registras

ierakstīt iereģistrēt piereģistrēties saraksts žurnāls

poslať doporučene zapísať do matriky

registrirati seznam vknjižiti vpisati se vpisnik

annals registrera

ทะเบียน ลงทะเบียน

đăng ký sổ sách



A. North

two. (Mus) [of instrument, voice] → registro g

5. (Tech) (= judge of speed, numbers) → indicador g

Collins Spanish Lexicon - Complete and Entire 8th Edition 2005 © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1971, 1988 © HarperCollins Publishers 1992, 1993, 1996, 1997, 2000, 2003, 2005




(= add together to list) [+ person] → inscrire

(= declare officially) [+ birth, expiry] → déclarer; [+ visitor] → enregistrer
to be registered equally sth [product] → être enregistré(e) comme qch
Over 53,000 people are officially registered as missing
Simply Plus de 53 000 personnes sont officiellement déclarées disparues.
to register o.due south. as sth → s'enregistrer comme qch

[+ amount, measurement] → enregistrer
The inflation index registered a vii.eight% annual rate → L'inflation a enregistré un taux annuel de 7,8%.
The earthquake registered 5.3 points on the Richter calibration
Merely Le séisme a atteint une magnitude de 5,iii points sur 50'échelle de Richter.; Le séisme a atteint 5,3 points sur l'échelle de Richter.

(= evidence) [person, confront] [+ feeling, opinion] → manifester
Her confront registered atheism → Son visage manifestait de l'incrédulité.

half dozen

(= sign upward for something) → s'inscrire
to register for a form → s'inscrire à united nations cours

(with doctor, dentist) to register with sb → s'inscrire auprès de qn

(= officially declare something) → s'enregistrer
to annals as sth → s'enregistrer comme qch

(make impression)être enregistré(e)
I told them to get out, only I don't think it registered → Je leur ai dit de partir mais je ne pense pas que cela ait été enregistré.
Sometimes what I said didn't register in her brain
Just Parfois, ce que je disais ne s'enregistrait pas dans son cerveau.

Collins English/French Electronic Resource. © HarperCollins Publishers 2005



(= book)Register nt; (at school) → Namensliste f; (in hotel) → Gästebuch nt; (of members etc)Mitgliedsbuch nt; to take the annals die Namen aufrufen; register of births, deaths and marriagesPersonenstandsbuch nt; register of wills (US, person) → Testamentsbeamte(r) m

(Tech, = recording device) → Registriergerät nt; (for controlling airflow) → Klappe f ? greenbacks annals

(Mus) → Register nt; (= organ stop)Registerzug one thousand


(inf: = exist understood) it hasn't registered (with him)er chapeau es noch nicht registriert

Collins High german Dictionary – Complete and Unabridged seventh Edition 2005. © William Collins Sons & Co. Ltd. 1980 © HarperCollins Publishers 1991, 1997, 1999, 2004, 2005, 2007



1. n (gen) → registro; (of members) → elenco
the annals of births, marriages and deaths → l'anagrafe f

iii. vi

b. (take bear upon, get articulate) information technology didn't register (with me)non me ne sono reso conto

Collins Italian Dictionary 1st Edition © HarperCollins Publishers 1995


(ˈredʒistə) noun

(a book containing) a written list, record etc. a school omnipresence register; a register of births, marriages and deaths. register سِجِل регистър registo seznam; matrika das Register fortegnelse; -fortegnelse κατάλογος, μητρώο, πρωτόκολλο registro register دفتر ثبت rekisteri registre יומן रजिस्टर में लिखना registar, matična knjiga jegyzék; anyakönyv buku catatan skrá registro 登録簿 등록, 기록부 registracijos knyga, sąrašas, registras reģistrs; žurnāls; saraksts pendaftaran register annals, protokoll, liste rejestr, wykaz هغه كتاب چه نومونه پيښى اوشيان پكښى ليكل كيږى: دريڅه، كړكى، ثبت كونكى اّله، رجسټرى كول، احسا سات ښكاره كول ليكل كول، ليكل كيدل، ثبتيدل، درج كيدل registo registru, catalog реестр; журнал; книга zoznam; matrika imenik, vpisnik, popis registar register, förteckning ทะเบียน kayıt defteri, kütük 登記簿 журнал کھاتہ danh sách 登记簿,注册簿


1. to write or crusade to be written in a register. to register the birth of a baby. registreer, aanteken يُسَجِّل записвам registar zapsat do matriky eintragen registrere δηλώνω, εγγράφω registrar registreerima ثبت کردن kirjata rekisteriin enregistrer לִרשוֹם दर्ज करना upisati, prijaviti beiktat, beír mencatat skrá registrare 登録する 명부에 등록하다 (už)registruoti []reģistrēt; ierakstīt (dokumentā) daftar registreren registrere, føre inn i annals wpisać do rejestru رجسټرى كول registar a în­registra регистрировать zapísať do matriky zabeležiti registrovati registrera ลงทะเบียน sicile geçirmek, kütüğe kaydetmek 註冊 реєструвати; записувати درج کرنا ghi sổ 注册

2. to write i'south name, or have ane's proper name written, in a register etc. They arrived on Friday and registered at the Hilton Hotel. inboek, aanmeld يَتَسَجَّل вписвам registar-se zapsat se sich eintragen indskrive sig δηλώνω την άφιξή μου registrarse, inscribirse, matricularse sisse kirjutama یادداشت کردن kirjautua s'inscrire, se faire inscrire לְהֵירַשֵם पंजीकृत कराना upisati se, prijaviti se bejelentkezik (szállodában) mendaftar skrá sig registrarsi; iscriversi 記帳する 이름을 등록하다 užsiregistruoti []reģistrēties mendaftar zich inschrijven skrive seg inn zameldować się ثبتيدل registar-se a se înscrie în registru; a se instala (за)регистрироваться zapísať sa vpisati (se) upisati se skriva in sig, anmäla sig ลงทะเบียน kaydolmak, yazılmak 登記 відмітитися رجسٹر میں نام داخل کروانا đăng ký 登记

3. to insure (a parcel, alphabetic character etc) against loss in the postal service. registreer يُسَجِّل الرِّسالَه البَريديَّه подавам registar poslat doporučeně einschreiben sende anbefalet στέλνω συστημένο certificar tähitama سفارشی پست کردن vakuuttaa recommander דוֹאָר רָשוּם प्रदर्शित करना poslati preporučeno ajánlva ad fel (levelet) mencatat láta skrá, setja í ábyrgð raccomandare 書留にする 등기로 하다 užregistruoti []rakstīt pos berdaftar laten aantekenen rekommandere; assurere posłać jako przesyłkę poleconą نامه،ليك،خط registar a expedia (...) recomandat отправлять заказным poslať doporučene priporočiti registrovati rekommendera, assurera ส่งจดหมายลงทะเบียน taahhütlü göndermek (包裹)掛號 надсилати рекомендований лист ڈاک میں خط وغیرہ کو کھونے سے محفوظ کرنے کے لیے اندراج کرنا gửi bảo đảm 挂号

4. (of an instrument, dial etc) to show (a effigy, corporeality etc). The thermometer registered 25C. aangee يُشير الى دَرْجَة الحَرارَه показвам mostrar ukazovat registrieren vise καταγράφω marcar näitama نشان دادن näyttää marquer לְהַראוֹת (यंत्र का) स्वत: अंकित करना zabilježiti mutat (műszer) menunjukkan sÿna indicare 示す 가리키다 parodyti reģistrēt; rādīt menunjukkan aanwijzen vise pokazywać ښكاره كول mostrar a indica показывать ukazovať pokazati zabeležiti visa แสดง göstermek 顯示 показувати کسی مشین یا آلے کے ہندسوں کو درج کرنا chỉ (con số) 指示

ˈregistered adjective

a registered letter. geregistreer مُسَجَّل препоръчан registado doporučený eingeschrieben anbefalet συστημένος certificado tähitud سفارشی kirjattu recommandé רשום पंजीकृत, पजीबद्ध preporučeno ajánlott (küldemény) pencatat ábyrgðarbréf raccomandato 書留の 등기의 registruotas reģistrēts; ierakstīts surat berdaftar aangetekend rekommandert polecony هغه كتاب چه نومونه پيښى اوشيان پكښى ليكل كيږى registado re­comandat зарегистрированный; заказной doporučený priporočen peporučen registrerad ลงทะเบียน taahhütlü 掛號的 зареєстрований اندراج شدہ bảo đảm 挂号的

ˌregiˈstrar (-ˈstraː) noun

one. a person whose duty it is to keep a register (peculiarly of births, marriages and deaths). registrateur مُسَجِّل، أمين السِّجِلات регистратор conservador matrikář der/die Standesbeamte(in) registrator ληξίαρχος registrador registripidaja محضر دار henkikirjoittaja teneur/-euse des registres (de l'état civil) רשם रजिस्ट्रार, पंजीयक matičar anyakönyvvezető pencatat skrásetjari (ufficiale di stato civile), (ufficiale dell'anagrafe) 登記係 등기(호적)계원 civilinių aktų registratorius reģistrators; arhivārs pendaftar registratieambtenaar registerfører; folkeregister sekretarz, urzędnik stanu cywilnego دتعليمو سوابقو ثبتونكى conservador notar; ofiţer de stare ci­vilă регистратор matrikár matičar registar registrator นายทะเบียน kayıt/sicil memuru 登記人員 архіваріус رجسٹرار hộ tịch viên 记录者,登记员,记录者管登记的人

2. in the Britain etc one of the grades of hospital doctors. register إحْدى درجات أطباء المُسْتَشْفيات في إنْجِلْترا лекар специализант médico especializado odborný lékař der Registrar afdelingslæge ανώτερος νοσοκομειακός γιατρός médico interno haiglaarst دکتر سرپرست lääkäri interne מבקר पंजीयन कार्यालय specijalizant, doktor na specijalističkom stažu interna spítalalæknir; læknakandídat (aiuto medico ospedaliero) 病院医 (영국) 입원계 vyresnysis gydytojas ārsts ordinators doktor pegawai specialist in opleiding reservelege lekarz przełożony نوکریوال médico especializado medic stagiar ординатор odborný lekár arhiva sjukhusläkare เป็นตำแหน่งของแพทย์ขั้นนึงที่ใช้ในประเทศอังกฤษ stajyer ile uzman arası doktor 主治醫生 ординатор برطانیہ میں ہسپتال کے ڈاکٹروں کا ایک عہدہ bác sĩ thực tập chuyên khoa 见习医生

ˈregistry plural ˈregistries noun

an part or place where registers are kept. register إدارَة السِّجِلات والمَحْفوظات регистратура registo ohlašovací úřad die Registratur register γραφείο μητρώων, ληξιαρχείο registro registratuur اداره ثبت kirjaamo bureau d'enregistrement רישום पंजीकरण, रजिस्ट्री registar, matični ured iktató catatan sipil skráningarstofa (ufficio di stato civile), (anagrafe) 登記所 등기소 registratûra reģistratūra pejabat pendaftar registratiekantoor arkiv; sorenskriverkontor archiwum, biuro rejestrowe په ليست كى ليكنه، دحاضرى دفتر، دثبتولو كتاب registo registratură канцелярия; регистратура matričný úrad, mestský úrad arhiva registreringskontor สำนักทะเบียน sicil dairesi 登記處 реєстратура دفتر اندراجات cơ quan đăng ký 登记处

register role / registry office

an office where records of births, marriages etc are kept and where marriages may exist performed. registrateur, rekordkantoor مَكْتَب تَسْجيل الزّواج والمَواليد والوَفيات отдел за гражданското състояние cartório matriční úřad das Standesamt folkeregister; borgmesterkontor ληξιαρχείο registro civil perekonnaseisubüroo اداره ثبت maistraatti bureau de l'état civil מִשרָד הַרִישוּם सिविल विवाह करने का कार्यालय prijavni ured, matični ured anyakönyvi hivatal catatan sipil skráningarstofa (ufficio di stato civile), (anagrafe) 登記所 등기소 civilinės metrikacijos biuras dzimtsarakstu nodaļa/birojs pejabat pendaftaran perkahwinan / kelahiran bureau van de burgerlijke stand up folkeregister urząd stanu cywilnego دحاضرى دفتر conservatória oficiu de stare civilă ЗАГС matrika matični urad matični ured registreringskontor สำนักทะเบียน evlenme memurluğu; nüfus dairesi 戶政所 відділ реєстрації актів громадянського стану مسجل کا دفتر phòng hộ tịch 出生、结婚、死亡等的登记处

registration number (also licence number)

the letters and numbers which a car, bus etc has on a plate at the front and rear. registrasienommer رَقْم التَّسْجيل регистрационен номер número de registro / matrícula evidenční číslo die Zulassungsnummer registreringsnummer αριθμός κυκλοφορίας número de matrícula registreerimisnumber شماره ثبت rekisterinumero numéro d'immatriculation מִספָּר רִישוּי पंजीकरण संख्या registarski broj, registarska tablica (forgalmi) rendszám nomor plat skráningarnúmer (numero d'immatricolazione), (numero di targa) 登録番号 등록 번호 registracijos numeris reģistrācijas numurs nombor pendaftaran kenteken registreringsnummer numer rejestracyjny د حاضری شمیری matrícula număr de înmatriculare регистрационный номер evidenčné číslo registrska številka broj registracije regi-streringsnummer เลขลงทะเบียน plâka numarası 牌照號碼 реєстраційний номер اندراج نمبر số đăng ký 牌照号码

Kernerman English Multilingual Dictionary © 2006-2013 K Dictionaries Ltd.


سِجِلّ, يُسَجِّلُ registrovat se, rejstřík register, registrere Annals, registrieren (sich) εγγράφομαι, μητρώο registrar, registro kirjata rekisteriin, rekisteri registre, s'inscrire registar, upisati se registrare, registro 登録する, 登録簿 등록, 등록하다 annals, registreren register, registrere rejestr, zarejestrować registar, registo, registrar, registro журнал, регистрировать annals, registrera ทะเบียน, ลงทะเบียน kayıt, kayıt yaptırmak đăng ký, sổ sách 登记, 登记簿

Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

  • Where do I annals? → أَيْنَ أُسَجِّلُ؟ → Kde se mám zaregistrovat? → Hvor tilmelder jeg mig? → Wo muss ich mich anmelden? → Πού μπορώ να κάνω καταχώριση; → ¿Dónde tengo que inscribirme? → Missä voin rekisteröityä? → Je one thousand'inscris où ? → Gdje se mogu prijaviti? → Pigeon mi registro? → どこで登録するのですか? → 어디에 서명하죠? → Waar kan ik me registreren? → Hvor registrerer jeg meg? → Gdzie mam się zarejestrować? → Onde european union faço o registro? → Где мне надо зарегистрироваться? → Var anmäler jag mig? → ฉันจะลงทะเบียนได้ที่ไหน? → Nereye yazılacağım? → Tôi đăng ký ở đâu? → 在哪儿登记?

Collins Multilingual Translator © HarperCollins Publishers 2009

What Does It Mean To Register,


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