
Invalid Block Tag On Line 11: 'form.errors'. Did You Forget To Register Or Load This Tag?

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Greg Kaleka

TemplateSyntaxError at / Invalid cake tag on line 9: 'static'. Did you forget to register or load this tag?

Not sure why I'thousand getting this mistake. My lawmaking is identical to Kenneth's, except that I used a list instead of tuple for STATICFILES_DIRS, considering I'k using a newer version of Django.

I'm using my local surroundings rather than Workspaces.

Here are only the pertinent parts of my files for this lesson:

                                                  STATIC_URL                  =                  '/static/'                                                  STATICFILES_DIRS                  =                  [                                                  os                  .                  path                  .                  bring together                  (                  BASE_DIR                  ,                  'assets'                  ),                                                  ]                      

                                                  urlpatterns                  =                  [                                                  url                  (                  r                  '^courses/'                  ,                  include                  (                  'courses.urls'                  )),                                                  url                  (                  r                  '^admin/'                  ,                  admin                  .                  site                  .                  urls                  ),                                                  url                  (                  r                  '^$'                  ,                  views                  .                  homepage                  ),                                                  ]                                                                                  urlpatterns                  +=                  staticfiles_urlpatterns                  ()                              


                                %{ load static from staticfiles %}                                                                                  <!doctype html>                                                  <                  html                  lang                  =                  "en"                  >                                                  <                  head                  >                                                  <                  meta                  charset                  =                  "utf-eight"                  >                                                  <                  meta                  proper name                  =                  "viewport"                  content                  =                  "width=device-width, initial-scale=i"                  >                                                  <                  title                  >{% block title %}{% endblock %}</                  title                  >                                                  <                  link                  rel                  =                  "stylesheet"                  blazon                  =                  "text/css"                  href                  =                  "{% static 'css/layout.css' %}"                  >                              

ane Answer

Ryan S

Hi Greg,

In layout.html on line 1, it seems you take the wrong syntax for the opening template tag. You have %{ when information technology should be {%.

This is causing the template error on line 9 because the static template tag hasn't been successfully loaded.

Invalid Block Tag On Line 11: 'form.errors'. Did You Forget To Register Or Load This Tag?,


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