
How To Not Suck At Life

Every bit far as you can tell, you suck at everything that matters.

And your life is proof of that.

But while it's so much easier to spend years numbing yourself with booze or any, there'due south a better way.

Instead of asking, "Why does life suck and then much?" (which is a valid question), this post is all about exploring ways to arrive suck less.

Nosotros've found 15 proven tips for doing precisely that.

Which one will y'all attempt first?

Why Does My Life Suck?

In that location's a reason you lot spend so much time thinking, "I suck at life!" or "I suck at everything!"

You've gotten used to thought patterns that seem reasonable but are based on cognitive distortions like the following:

  • All-or-Nothing Thinking — You're either extraordinary or a huge disappointment. There is no in-betwixt.
  • Overgeneralization — Taking 1 matter and using it to paint your entire self. One huge mistake must mean you're an irredeemable monster. Or an idiot. Or both.
  • Reductive Thinking / Filtering — Y'all see but the negative. One snide comment from your partner is enough to block out all the adept he's said or done.
  • Disqualifying the Positive — You acknowledge the positive but reject it. You hear a compliment from your boss and write information technology off as something negative or meaningless.
  • Jumping to Conclusions — You interpret another person'southward words or actions in a way that reinforces your bias toward negativity.
  • Mind Reading — You assume you know what someone else is really thinking and often presume their meaning is negative or hurtful.
  • Catastrophizing / Magnification — 1 modest mistake becomes a huge deal and the reason why your life will never amount to annihilation.
  • Personalizing — Whatsoever bad thing happens, it must be because of something you did wrong. You make it personal even when there'south show to the contrary.
  • Emotional Reasoning — Y'all're and then stuck in your own negative thinking, you interpret everyone'south words and actions in a negative manner that (to you) seems logical but to others sounds unhinged.
I suck at life

Finally, as yous'll come across from ane of the tips below, one of the worst offenders is an overuse of the word "should" — he should have this, she should have known, they should practice that, etc.

Read on to see how you tin change management and caput somewhere good.

I Suck at Life: 15 Tips For Irresolute Sucky To Lucky

The tips described hither tin change your thinking and your life for the better. A year from now, you'll wonder why you e'er idea you lot sucked at annihilation.

one. Talk to a doctor.

A medical issue could be at the root of what y'all're feeling.

When was the last time you lot talked to a doctor or nurse and got yourself checked out? How are your lungs, your heart, your kidneys, your liver, etc.? Get on that.

two. Take your vitamins.

Vitamin deficiencies are frequently behind low free energy levels, making information technology harder not to see the sucky side of life.

Ask your doc which specific supplements they recommend, based on your lab work. Check for deficiencies in vitamin D, vitamin B12, and atomic number 26.

3. Brand a list of your "shoulds."

Jot down every "should" statement you've been telling yourself — particularly those that ship your mood into a downward spiral.

The word "should" isn't ever bad, of course (eastward.thou., yous should non attempt to breathe underwater).

But when y'all use information technology to shame yourself into trying to fit a mold that isn't made for you, it benefits no ane.

4. Make a list of your wants.

Get clear on what you actually desire in your life and what you want to do. Information technology doesn't have to match the "shoulds" or agree with someone else's ideas for your life. Imagine the life you desire and describe it in vivid detail.

I suck at life

Then work astern from that to the present. And start with actions you can hands take.

5. Alter upwards your routine.

A lackadaisical routine — or the complete lack of ane — tin get out you feeling "Meh" about yourself and virtually life in full general.

When was the concluding time you stuck to a morn routine that gave you lot some small-scale just real accomplishments to take pride in before breakfast?

Often, it's small changes that get us moving in a improve direction.

half dozen. Meet some new people.

If your current social circle encourages negativity, detect some new people who build yous up and encourage you to take meaningful activity.

If y'all're the average of the people you hang out with, create a social environs that raises the average and inspires yous to go the person you want to be.

7. Larn a new skill.

Brand a list of skills and abilities that concord strong appeal for y'all. Include hobbies and skills that could lead to a job you'd enjoy.

Learning a new language and culture can open doors to new experiences that help you grow in self-knowledge, backbone, and compassion.

Never terminate learning. And if you've stopped already, start again.

eight. Go on an adventure (sky diving, road trip, etc.)

If you don't already accept a saucepan list, brand one. Include things that sound crazy, expensive, dangerous (or all three).

And then brand up your heed to tackle one of those things this week, this calendar month, or in the next six months. Do something that scares your "I suck at life" cocky. Go excited.

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ix. Talk to a therapist about it.

Talk to someone who gets paid to mind and offering helpful (hard-earned) insights into your life.

Chances are, they'll exist less likely to tell you only what they think you want to hear. A good therapist is motivated to help yous know yourself better and to improve your life.

ten. Take a gamble.

Mayhap you're feeling pessimistic nearly life because you lot haven't really risked anything. You've settled into a "good enough" life that isn't what you want. So, you lot numb yourself and muddle through, ultimately limiting yourself and your potential.

Try taking a minor but meaningful risk just to see where it might lead.

11. Set a new challenge.

Claiming yourself to do something that scares yous — an action someone you admire might take (or has taken) — whether that's working every bit a volunteer, preparing for a fitness challenge, or taking steps toward a new career.

I suck at life

Requite yourself an exciting new goal to work toward. Starting pocket-size is still starting.

12. Look for a new task.

If y'all hate your chore, information technology'southward fourth dimension to have existent action toward finding a better one. Y'all're getting nowhere complaining and feeling stuck and miserable.

The more than you take action to improve your life, the amend you'll feel about it and well-nigh yourself, even if things don't move every bit quickly as y'all'd like.

Serving your community in some style can open up doors (and your eyes) to new possibilities and new relationships. If zip else, you'll meet others in your surface area who give their time and free energy to help others with no expectation of a reward.

fourteen. Wait for a worthy cause to support.

Make a list of causes you believe in and would like to back up in some style. If altruistic to them isn't an option, you might find opportunities to volunteer for them or help spread the discussion about the good they're doing.

How can yous use the resources you have to aid them do more?

15. Talk to someone who inspires yous.

Ideally, go to someone who accepts you as you are and whose example you'd similar to follow.

Ask them what they're reading, what they're upward to, and what inspires them. Ask them questions that relate to their particular expertise, and exist open to their suggestions.

Make a list of ideas that entreatment to you. Then become to piece of work.

Here are proven tips to stop sucking at life. Read this post and learn more.

Now that you lot've looked through these fifteen proven tips for changing your life for the better, where will y'all start?

How will today be different from yesterday?

Change your life for the better. Stop sucking at life. Read this post and create a luckier and happier life.


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