
Can A Registered Sex Offender Work At Sheltair

By Stephen P. Prentice

1 of the fallouts of the Sept. xi attack on the Earth Trade Center is at present a mandatory requirement for fingerprint-based criminal history record checks in the airline industry. Your fingerprints will be or take been taken and sent to the FBI for processing. If you are employed in a SIDA (security identification display expanse) past working on the flight line or other covered areas, and/or take unescorted access authority, you may have been examined and fingerprinted already. The law requires that these fingerprint-based x-twelvemonth criminal history checks be accomplished by Dec. 6, 2002. No 1 can retain his or her unescorted access say-so unless the person has been subjected to a fingerprint-based criminal record check for unescorted access authority on or before December. six, 2002. This same rule applies to flight deck crews as well equally almost mechanics and of course the handbag screeners.

The police force

New fingerprint-based criminal history checks are mandated past the Transportation Security Administration (49 CFR 1544.229). This is the new agency that at present has acquired all security oversight from the FAA and has published the former FAA security regulations as its own and added others that govern aviation security.

The takeover of the FAA security functions became effective on Feb. 17, 2002. On that date all of the civil aviation security functions and responsibilities formerly performed past the FAA were transferred to the Transportation Security Administration (TSA). Get used to information technology. It is much bigger than FAA tin ever be!

The Aviation and Transportation Security Act (ATSA) provided the mandate for this takeover by the TSA in addition to many other functions. ATSA was enacted on Nov. xix, 2001, shortly afterward the Sept. 11 attack.

The security mandate nether this constabulary is huge.

49 CFR 1544.229

Fingerprint-based criminal history records checks (CHRC) include unescorted access authority, potency to perform screening functions, and authority to perform checked luggage or cargo functions.

It shortly becomes clear that but about anyone on the airport in an aircraft employment function tin be included in the requirement for fingerprinting and records cheque. There are few exceptions.

I have been informed that some flight line mechanics and others take been summarily terminated nether this dominion. Certainly more volition come equally the various operators fully implement the fingerprint and criminal record check.

The companion part of this law is what happens when whatever one of a laundry list of criminal violations are found. Here is a partial listing of the offenses, that, if institute, require immediate break or termination. Remember, there is a ten-twelvemonth tape cheque.

49 CFR 1544.229d

disqualifying criminal offenses

The disqualifying offenses are generally of the felony blazon but can include misdemeanors if they are "aggravated." The post-obit list highlights many but non all of the offenses included:

i. Forgery of certificates, faux marker of aircraft, registration violations

ii. Interference with air navigation

3. Improper transportation of hazmat

four. Aircraft piracy

5. Interference with flight crew

vi. Crimes on board an aircraft

7. Conveying weapon or explosive on board aircraft

8. Conveying false data and threats

9. Lighting violations involving transporting controlled substances

10. Unlawful entry into secure area (aircraft, aerodrome)

11. Devastation of aircraft

12. Murder, sedition, kidnapping, or hostage taking

xiii. Aggravated sexual abuse

xiv. Extortion

15. Robbery

xvi. Distribution or intent to distribute controlled substance

17. Most felonies

xviii. Dishonesty, fraud, or misrepresentation

19. Possession of stolen property

20. Aggravated assault

21. Possession of controlled substance punishable by 1 twelvemonth in prison

Note: Marijuana violations and other controlled substances violations are included in this laundry list.

x-year check, what happens?

If your criminal records cheque comes back with any of the above (and or some others) you are in trouble! Further, the record need not indicate a conviction. A mere arrest is plenty to trigger the necessity for your removal from covered areas until an explanation or farther disposition of your case has been documented. For a new employee, if in that location was no further activity on your arrest or if the disposition did not result in a conviction or in a finding of not guilty past reason of insanity of i of the listed offenses, so the private is not disqualified under the regulation. Nevertheless, for someone already employed, if a records check reveals any disqualifying criminal offense without indicating what happened (dismissal, not guilty, etc.) then the company must suspend that private'southward authorisation to perform covered functions. In some cases termination may be the outcome.

What you can practise

You tin can of form contact the courtroom concerned and seek some sort of corrective action. This assumes of course that there might have been some sort of mixup or mistake. There is a procedure to right the record if there is clearly a error as to your abort or conviction. You lot should also notify your employer in writing of your intent to correct the data you believe is incorrect. Keep in mind as well that most misdemeanors tin be expunged via a motion to the court and many felonies can exist reduced to misdemeanors after a certain amount of time. You should consult with a local criminal defense force lawyer if you are caught upwardly in this trouble.

If you doubtable a trouble with your groundwork, keep in mind that you can, through diverse commercial means, obtain a copy of any criminal record yous suspect may still exist outstanding against your proper name. Consulting with a criminal defense lawyer is your best bet. Armed in accelerate with what may popular upwards in a criminal record cheque by the FBI, you volition be better equipped to handle a response to correct or modify a record. Continue in heed also that FBI files may not include records of offenses that yous may find locally. In that location are instances where local offenses did not find their mode into the general records of the FBI.

The process

If you accept not been fingerprinted nonetheless y'all will soon note that at the time of fingerprinting, any aircraft operator (air carrier) must provide you lot a form that includes the following:

i. A consummate listing of the disqualifying criminal offenses.

2. A statement (that you must sign) saying you have not been arrested or convicted for any of the offenses.

three. A argument that you have a continuing obligation to notify and disclose to your employer within 24 hours whatever conviction.

4. A further declaration equally follows: "The information I have provided on this application is truthful, consummate, and right to the best of my noesis and belief and is provided in practiced religion. I understand that a knowing and fake statement on this application can be punished by fine or imprisonment or both (18 USC 1001)."

The company volition state that whatever criminal tape received from the FBI volition be provided to the bidder, just you lot must request the same in writing.

Application overview

The aviation security rules in general apply to the operations of scheduled (FAR 119) air carrier operations, and public and private charter operations, including operations of aircraft with a takeoff weight of 12,500 pounds or more. This weight limitation was recently increased to 95,000 pounds.

This means that whatsoever lease operator hauling large groups of people like baseball game teams will before long have to comply with the security rules, as written and amended.

Due to force per unit area from the lease shipping industry a recent modification pushed back the awarding of the new regulations to charters from Aug. 19, 2002 to Oct. 18, 2002. Furthermore, the regulations will now only apply to shipping weighing 95,000 pounds or more and hired for flights non advertised to the full general public (not common carriage). The regulations will apply mostly to sports teams, bands, and various corporations who operate aircraft over 95,000 pounds. The goal here was to make private charter flights meet the same regulatory requirements as commercial flights because the threats are considered to exist identical.

Security czar, program, and manual

All of the regulatory requirements of the TSA must be managed past a security department following a program approved past the TSA authorities. A security arbiter with an appropriate section must be established by any operator covered by the regulations. In addition, a security operations manual must be prepared outlining the details of a long listing of procedures to enhance internal security at the operator'southward facilities.

The company security arbiter will have an official title of shipping operator security coordinator (AOSC) and must exist appointed at the corporate level. This person volition be the point of contact for the TSA for all security-related activities and communications that are required by the company manual and relevant TSA regulations. This person must be available on a 7-day, 24-hour basis. In improver, a second employee must be designated as the ground security coordinator for each domestic and or international flight deviation and behave out the duties described in the operator'south security program as outlined in the company security manual. This person will have many daily duties that include:

1. Review of all applicative security-related functions

two. Initiate immediate corrective activeness for whatever non-compliance

A 3rd person must as well be designated past the company who is called the in-flight security coordinator. This person will typically be the pilot in command of the aircraft. His added duties will exist as described in the company security program contained in the security operations transmission.

At present that we have had this brief view of the new security regulations we can just wonder where it will all finish.

Stephen P. Prentice is an chaser whose do involves FAA-NTSB issues. He has an Airframe and Powerplant certificate and is an ATP rated pilot. He worked with Western Airlines and the Allison Division of GMC in Latin America, servicing commercial and military overhaul activities and is a USAF veteran.

Additional Resources
For additional information on 49 CFR 1544.229,
yous can visit the TSA website at


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