
Grounded 0.8.0 March Update

Every new Grounded update is heady considering it puts the early access game one pace closer to beingness finally complete.

As Grounded continues to exist updated month after month, it gives the early on adopters a fresh new look at what to expect from the finalized version of the game.

Here'south everything you demand to know nearly the March thirty Grounded update.

  • FEBRUARY UPDATE: Grounded Update 0.vii.0 – What's in the Patch?

Grounded Update 0.eight.0 Patch Notes

Here is the full list of patch notes for the 0.8.0 Grounded update:

Wreckfest | Stadia Release Trailer


  • New building: Door Frame
  • New buildings: Triangular Stem Wall and Inverted Triangular Stem Wall



  • Photo Fashion: Phase 1
  • Password protecting online games


  • When you lot are placing an invalid edifice, a short message will describe why information technology is invalid.
  • When y'all are holding a Repair Tool, nearby damaged buildings will display an icon.
  • Loose arrows can be nerveless past walking over them.
  • Structures will now collapse much more than dramatically when unsupported.
  • The Armor Dummy UI now has a push button that swaps your gear with the dummy's. You can also practice this without entering the UI by doing a "hold" interact action on the Armor Dummy.
  • When you are connecting ziplines, the anchor that volition be connected is highlighted.
  • Player nameplates in multiplayer volition show if a player is knocked out and how much fourth dimension they have left to be helped.
  • Player nameplates volition testify a "busy" state above it when said player is navigating a menu.



  • Muddied water will now employ a condition issue that shows your character is sick. The more dirty water you drink, the worse the effect gets. Resting will make you lot feel ameliorate.
  • Smoothie Station functionality has been reworked:
    • Goop Base of operations determines the effectiveness of the smoothie.
      • Grub Broth creates a normal smoothie.
      • Muscle Sprout creates a "beefy" smoothie that heals for twice the amount.
    • Flavor ingredients can consist of whatsoever combination of other items and has same functionality as earlier.
    • All smoothies at present require a "Goop Base" and three "Flavor Ingredients."



  • Reduced the impairment reduction of "Cartel Devil".


  • More intense gainsay music will play when fighting spiders.
  • Infected weevils at present motility slightly faster.
  • Ladybugs have a new set of attacks to pick from.
  • Improved the accuracy of aiming with a bow using the tertiary-person camera.


  • Player nameplates will transition into smaller grapheme icons when not in the center of the screen.
  • The Interact HUD has been revamped to support showing multiple interaction types at the same time.
  • BURG.L chips in the world have a small pointer icon that pops upwards when you approach them making it easier to not miss them.
  • New SCA.B sound when getting hungry / thirsty / health alerts.


  • Big sap nodules now have longer to respawn than individual saps.
  • "Base music" now plays during the daytime as well. A new track has been added specifically for night "base music".
  • Updated the terrain around the upper hedge.


  • Structures will be less likely to exist considered obstructed when placed underneath static props like leaves.
  • Walls will now often pivot around corners they are snapped to when rotated.
  • Added the facing helper arrow to the Acorn Storage.
  • Dew Collector recipe and unlock inverse: now unlocks with woven web and requires woven web to build.


  • + Smoothies take been replaced with "Beefy" smoothies.
    • Double the healing power as normal smoothies.
    • Aforementioned bonus condition result as normal smoothies.
    • Require the same "season" ingredients as normal smoothies.
    • Uses Muscle Sprout as a "base" instead of Chow Goop.


  • Improved operation of games with large bases.
  • Improved operation of games that have a lot of Storage Baskets or Storage Chests with icons set up.
  • A scattering of general CPU optimizations added.


  • Bees now driblet pollen into the world in addition to collecting it on their legs when pollinating flowers.


Meridian Customs FIXES

  • Scaffolds will at present reliably be considered anchored when they are built downwardly to the basis from in a higher place.
  • The amount of dew that spawns on grass each morning now matches the amount of dew that exists when you beginning a new game (doubled the current dew spawn amount).
  • Large pebbles should now respawn.


  • Building relocation will be canceled if another player places a building on the item being moved.
  • Grid buildings tin can no longer be anchored to tables.
  • Stairs are at present easier to identify on uneven terrain.
  • Hitting "west" while typing in the lobby chat log no longer sends the message.
  • Player nameplates are now positioned properly height-wise when playing as a client.


  • The histrion cannot zip while swimming.
  • Zipline Wall Anchor, Sap Dripper, and Stair Railings can no longer be built underwater.
  • Zipline Wall Anchor, Sap Dripper, Stair Railings, Abomination Totem, Ant Caput Totem, and Slime Mold Sconce can no longer be built inside other buildings.
  • Firefly Headlamp has reduced glare when in fog.
  • Embedded arrows no longer pop slightly above where they hit.
  • Repair Tool works in "Mild" style.
  • Splatburst now sticks even to surfaces it impacts at an bending.
  • Firefly Hanging Lantern can no longer exist congenital in caves.


  • Fireflies should no longer get stuck on the surface of the swimming.


  • While we have been impressed by the [CONFIDENTIAL], nosotros take decided to [REDACTED] to compensate.

For more Grounded make sure to stick right here with DualShockers.

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Gaming Trailers

Peter Hunt Szpytek

Peter is from Chicago. He'south played more JRPG's than he can count despite beingness non totally great at them and you can usually discover him on the weekends dropping hot in Apex Legends. When not belongings a controller, he's at the gym trying to get in shape for his side by side cosplay.

Read more of Peter'south articles


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